Breast Cancer Awareness Month

An internal campaign to celebrate and encourage conversations about Breast Cancer Awareness Month and BRCA. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and 23andMe wanted to spread awareness and raise funds. We held a fundraiser and created swag about BCAM and BRCA (a report on breast cancer that 23andMe has. And, BRCA1 and BRCA 2 are two genes that impact a person’s chance of developing certain cancers, including breast, ovarian and prostate cancer). The more we spread word about BCAM, BRCA and human genetics, the more people will know and take action to support. The creative utilized two phrases, one of empowerment and action— “Do you speak BRCA?” And one of positivity— “Be the BREAST you.”

Role: Lead Designer


I wanted the designs to celebrate and bring conversation to the those who see it. The pink was chosen as an association with breast cancer awareness, but I wanted the assets to be a bold and clever call out to breasts. The sweatshirt features a flipped ‘B” to form a from a front view and the back of the sweatshirt has a playful logo for BRCA. The sticker, to be stuck on anywhere or given out, was created with a heart to also replicate the look of breasts. There’s no shying away from what we’re celebrating here! While this was a short 2 week long project, I was very inspired and had a wonderful time teaming up with the Advocacy and Community team to pull this all together. Featured below are the other design iterations I went through.